January 13, 2023
To: Texas Cowboy Alumni
From: Brian Antweil, President of the Texas Cowboy Alumni Board of Directors
Greetings and Happy New Year.
It is my honor to serve as President of the Texas Cowboy Alumni Board of Directors for 2023. As my first “official” act, I wanted to send out this communication to introduce myself and to identify what I see as the board’s priorities for this year.
I was in the Spring 1975 New Man class. During my tenure as a Texas Cowboy, I served in several officer rolls including as Foreman in the Spring of 1977. I graduated that same Spring with a BBA in Finance. After college, I spent approximately 10 years in the real estate development business. In 1986, during what many termed a Texas economic depression, I went back to school and earned my law degree. I have spent the last 32 years as a practicing trial lawyer in large, complex business disputes. I still have an active trial practice but have stepped out of the “big firm” arena and currently practice in a small firm with some former law partners. I am married to a Rice graduate, and we have three grown children. My youngest son, Conner, was a Cowboy as well.
I come into this position at a very interesting time. Since the tragic death of Nicky Cumberland and the student organization’s suspension as a recognized University organization in 2019, the board’s focus has been to (1) oversee the alumni organization’s defense of a lawsuit brought by Nicky’s family, and (2) address the issues relating to the organization’s suspension and to work with the University in our efforts to bring the Texas Cowboys back.
As to the first issue, I am happy to report that the lawsuit has been resolved through settlement. As to the latter issue, the alumni board has engaged in what I would term an extraordinary effort to define, and in some cases redefine, the student organization’s mission and purpose all with the goal of bringing Texas Cowboys back as a recognized University student organization.
The result of these efforts was a very comprehensive and detailed presentation that blends the strong traditions created by our founders, Arno Nowotny and Bill McGill, with some new mission and purpose elements to address the issues that gave rise to its suspension.
Last February, this presentation was made to representatives of the University including Dr. Soncia Reagins-Lilly, Dean of Students, and Katie McGee, Executive Director, Student Conduct and Academic Integrity. From this presentation, we were recently asked by the University to complete an application and respond to a questionnaire for its consideration of the organization’s provisional return. The University has recently notified us that Texas Cowboys is eligible to proceed with this very new process for campus organizations to be considered for provisional return. The next step is for us to appear before the Provisional Return Committee on January 30,2023. This is a very new process and we will keep you further apprised as it unfolds.
If provisional return is granted, then the next and likely most difficult task will be to pursue candidates for membership in the new Texas Cowboys. As some of you heard in my comments at the Centennial Celebration, you may be called on to help in this endeavor.
Finally, I want to recognize Eddie Lopez who preceded me. His extraordinary efforts cannot be over emphasized. Working through the lawsuit issues and at the same time maintaining a our relationship with the University was no small task and Eddie just did a masterful job. We are very fortunate to have him as our Executive Director going forward.
Please feel free to contact me at any time if you have any questions, ideas, or concerns. I look forward to working with all of you.
Give the best,
Brian Antweil
Texas Cowboys President